General Medicine Case Presentation

A 26 Year old Female, Housewife, G4 P1 L1 A2 with 25 weeks 3 days gestational age with previous LSCS. Patient on regular checkup during pregnancy was found to have platelets 20,000 and was referred to our hospital. HOPI : No H/O Hematuria, Blood in stools, hematemesis, hemoptysis T1- Spontaneous conception, h/o vomitings (subsided), no H/O Fever with rash, no H/O radiation exposure, white discharge, early Obs scan done T2- Quickening present at 5th Month, TIFFA done at 7 weeks- normal LMP- 6/04/2022 EDD- 13/1/2023 SEDD- 7/1/2023 (9 weeks, 3 days) POG- 25 weeks + 3 days PAST HISTORY: No H/O DM, HTN, ASTHMA, , CAD, Epilepsy, Bleeding disorders No H/O Drug Intake PERSONAL HISTORY: Diet - mixed Appetite - Normal Sleep - adequate Bowel and bladder movements - Regular No known allergies to drug and food No addictions Marital status - Married MENSTRUAL HISTORY: Menarche - 13years 3-5 Days/30 cycle LMP- 6/04/2022 OBSTETRIC...